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Monday, April 21, 2008

Radon on my Radar, Again in the News

April 21, 2008

Radon Is The Number One cause of lung cancer among non-smokers and one in fifteen homes has an elevated level prior to treatment according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

My Radar is on Radon…More Follow Up Since The Business Journal’s Report on Latta Pavilion Is Sick…Thanks to one of our followers we received an article from the Wall St. Journal.
I include the highlights.Here is the link to the article:
Wall Street Journal About The House
Lynnsy Logue The Real Estate Lady and Condo CanDo in Charlotte, NC

The EPA estimates 750,000 to 1 million U.S. Homeowners have taken radon-reduction steps over the years and says those steps, along with techniques in new construction have helped prevent 6,000 deaths.Despite the risks, radon until recently has ranked pretty low on many homeowner’s action lists. You can’t see, smell or taste it, which makes it-unlike mold- easy to ignore. The federal government recommends but doesn’t mandate remediation for homes with elevated levels. But as homeowners and builders rush to make dwellings healthier on all fronts-from non-toxic paints and organic lawns to formaldehyde-free kitchen cabinets-radon is emerging as a hot button in both new construction and resales.EPA spokeswoman says it has taken time to build public awareness just as it did with smoking.

The majority of states have some form of disclosure law requiring the home seller to inform the buyer about property defects, such as radon-but only if the seller knows about them. Many experts believe this discourages testing and say a better model is an Illinois law that took effect this year. It requires sellers to provide information about radon risk, whether the home has been tested or not.Can’t see it, smell it, taste it…Radon.

Lynnsy Logue The Real Estate Lady and Condo CanDo in Charlotte, NC

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