February 14, 2016
Happiness is planning and building, too!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
This weekend, several projects on the drawing board are taking
shape and that makes me happy. They work pretty much together sometimes. For
Over thirty years, my real estate archives have grown and
grown. Because, you see, or may know, I have a love affair going on with our
city. So of course I collect information, drawings, take photos, clip articles,
secure booklets and brochures about large and small projects, sometimes
floor plans, sometimes site plans, and then there are the photographs. The
condominium part of that passion runs about eighteen boxes which includes the
announcement of 400 North Church Street (picture above 1-1-2003), the newspaper
articles and the original brochure about Ivey’s conversion, how I don’t know,
blue prints for Dilworth Crescent, well over three hundred folders! And the
prize, the floor plans for The Ratcliffe, they are all different.
They were headed to the archives of the university, but for
now, I thought I would share some with you. To do that, there had to be a
better system. And there is now. Only to expand storage, the excess kitchen
stuff had to be packed up and responsibly distributed to a non-profit so women
somewhere can enjoy my original Corning Ware
of over 45 years ago-intact.
of over 45 years ago-intact.
The first six condominiums are selected and will be scanned tomorrow, made
ready for the Internet. First on the blog (and Facebook) and then migrating to
a new website on a great and updated platform. I am excited.
So today is the official 30th Anniversary of my
real estate tenure. And I am still a full-time real estate broker, still
marketing residences, single family homes, farms, and of course condominiums
and town homes and
working with buyers for same.
working with buyers for same.
Condo CanDo®, The Real Estate Lady® and I thank you for your
support and think you will be pleased with treasures from our archives….plus
our spin on where we are and where we might be heading.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
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